Category: Eva Carlston Academy reviews

Benefits of Urban Living

Eva Carlston Academy reviews

Am I a town mouse, or a country mouse? It’s a question many of us ask ourselves at some point, as we ponder where best to settle and call home.

At different stages in our lives, we want and need different things. Eva Carlston Academy reviews when healing from trauma and depression in particular, rural life can be detrimental. Isolation, a lack of stimulus, and little access to support can be damaging to a successful recovery. That’s why urban living, such as that in Salt Lake City, is beneficial and below, Eva Carlston Academy explains why.

Urban Life Better for Overall Health

Studies published by the National Library of Medicine have shown that rates of depression are significantly higher in rural areas. The availability of mental health services plays a crucial role in recovery and moving to the city has proven to be hugely beneficial for those struggling with their mental health.
City life can be better for physical health, too. Treated drinking water, for example, might be something we take for granted in urban areas but in rural parts of the country, many people depend on drinking untreated water.

Finding a Place in the World

Living in the city means coming across people from all manner of backgrounds. While rural areas tend to be made up of tight-knit communities where very little changes over time, city life introduces us to new ways of thinking and living.

It can be difficult to find purpose in life when rural living has continued in the same way for many generations. But city life makes us see things from a whole new perspective, and can help us to see brand new, exciting opportunities for a life we never thought possible.

Diversity means Opportunity

We learn more from other people and their experiences than we could ever hope to learn from reading books or watching television. Interacting with people from other countries, cultures, and ways of life opens our minds.

Whether it’s making new friends, exploring the art scene, simply walking around an area to take in the local vibe, or enjoying a variety of foods and drinks, living somewhere like Salt Lake City gives people a chance to experience a myriad of new things.

And when we’re introduced to new ideas and experiences, it makes us think differently about our own situation and what we might like to do with our own lives. We can be introduced to things we couldn’t even have imagined.

Eva Carlston Academy reviews

Greater Access to Wellness and Other Resources

Rural life has been one that has kept this country going for centuries, there’s no mistaking it. But it doesn’t mean that we must necessarily follow in the footsteps of our mothers and grandmothers.
City life offers its residents more choices, and often simply feeling as though we have choice in our lives can make all the difference.

The wide expanse of space in rural areas sometimes means fewer opportunities and less access to comprehensive mental health care. Living in the city means access to countless new ideas. These include travel (thanks to public transport), a new career (thanks to more job opportunity), and education (thanks to more access to schools, museums, local areas of interest, and so on).

Moving to an area like Salt Lake City can be a truly liberating experience, as residents from out of town can leave behind their old selves and explore who they are, as well as recover from trauma, without anyone needing to know their history, their family, or anything about their past.
For independence, a world open to new experiences, and the chance to explore a future that has to be lived to be believed, urban living wins every time.

Summer Activities for Teen Girls

With the hottest season in full swing and sunlight lasting longer than it will all year, it’s only fitting to want to make the most of the summertime!

This is especially true for teenage girls since this season is the optimal time to hang out with friends, discover new personal styles, and even uncover some hard truths through introspective activities.

Simply put, there’s more to do this summer than spending time doom-scrolling through the same five social media apps and living life behind a screen. At Eva Carlston Academy, students are getting out and hiking twice a week during summer. This kind of activity and those listed below can make all the difference in the quality of life for a teen girl.

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“Dear diary” is a phrase that a bulk of people are familiar with. Though teenage-targeted romantic comedies may present the topic of diary-keeping as something girly and almost laughable, journaling is a tool revered by mental health experts for the numerous amounts of benefits.

It’s more than just jotting one’s thoughts down on a page or complaining about strains in relationships with friends and family. Journaling is a way to truly work through individual issues in a safe, productive way (that doesn’t come at the expense of another person).

Journaling allows a teen girl to be truly transparent in an optimum environment. Though it can be as simple as scribbling words down on a page, it can be as intricate or creative as the individual allows themselves to be, making for a truly personal time with each click of a pen. Students at Eva Carlston do art and journaling activities at local parks during the summer.


Summertime is a time for relaxation. For a lot of teenagers, that can mean spending countless hours in bed sleeping, or liking TikTok videos and Instagram posts. Though spending time online is healthy, there are ways to unwind while keeping productive!

Yoga is one of the most popular forms of exercise in society today, and its rising popularity is mainly in part to the number of psychological benefits that coincide with the physical work the workout calls for. A favorite summertime activity at Eva Carlston are the outside yoga sessions.

Practicing yoga, even just once, releases depression-fighting endorphins and naturally formed “happy drugs” like serotonin and dopamine. With regular practice, it can reduce the crippling feeling of anxiety and stress that comes with being a growing teen.

Revisit Your Childhood

Being a teenager brings about feelings of independence and being overjoyed at the fact that the road to freedom is paved with gold. However, it’s still bittersweet, especially when older teens realize that their childhood days are on their last leg.

But it doesn’t necessarily need to be that way- especially since that newfound independence can be used to relive the days of one’s youth.

Spending time with family, whether it be around the house, or on a vacation (camping, anyone?) is a surefire way to heal one’s inner child, offering them peace during a time of chaos.

Being Present

By far one of the best things a teen girl should practice during summertime is the act of mindfulness. Though it may sound simple enough, it’s something that a lot of adults fall short on in their day-to-day lives.

Being present in each connection one makes, and in each action chosen throughout the day will make it easy for a person to know when they’re dedicating too much of their time to something they shouldn’t be (bad relationships, phone overuse, etc.).

Simply taking a moment to ground oneself and listening to what the body is telling you can be enough to make each day this summer has to offer the best one yet.

What Teens Can Learn from Doing Chores

Doing chores around the house may seem simple, but it can significantly impact your kids’ and teenagers’ lives in ways they may not realize until they are older.

Teenagers can learn essential relationship skills from doing chores, such as teamwork, cooperation, communication, and clarity, and feeling a sense of accomplishment upon completing a task. On top of these skills, they can learn important steps in caring for a family and home, like cleaning, organizing, preparing meals, and gardening.

Even though doing chores isn’t most people’s first choice for spending some time, Eva Carlston Academy reviews that by developing a family chore system is one of the several valuable steps to take when creating a happy family that functions well.

Eva Carlston Academy reviews

Social and emotional benefits
Doing chores can help a child or teenager feel that their contribution to the family is important. Fostering the desire to feel a sense of accomplishment upon completing even a simple task can help a child or teenager to feel a sense of responsibility and participation.

Over time, the repetition of these tasks and the positive outcomes associated with them can leave a child feeling more competent and self-assured. Not only will doing chores help a child or teenager to feel more confident in their daily life, but it can also teach them important lessons in relationships as well.

Working together with a sibling or as a family unit to complete a task can teach lessons about teamwork and cooperation, as well as ways to communicate clearly with each other. It can also teach valuable lessons about time management and the prioritization of tasks.

According to the Australian parenting website, doing chores can actually help reduce family stress, and may help your household to function better overall.

Other important life lessons

Not only does doing chores help instill positive routines and cycles in a teenager’s life, but it can also help prepare them for adulthood, so they can feel confident to face the world as an adult when it comes time to leave the house.

Doing chores as a child can help teach important skills to help them later in life, like cooking food for their own future family to eat, cleaning and organizing to support a healthy and hygienic home and atmosphere, and growing food in a garden to make for dinner. From learning how to do the dishes to doing laundry, to cleaning the bathroom, a weekly chore list can do wonders.

Eva Carlston Academy reviews

Doing chores for teens in therapy

Doing chores is one of the first opportunities for children to learn how to implement positive structure into their life and strive for that feeling of accomplishment associated with completing a task well.
Teens in therapy can implement small changes into their life, which over time can yield big results if followed through with. Many teens in therapy may feel that their lives lack positive structure in their household, and one small change to consider implementing would be developing a chore list to create some structure in daily life.